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Securis Tutorial

By Request -  A tutorial on using Securis 1.2.1

Main Screen

This is what you see as soon as you open the application. If it is your first time opening the application, an alert will pop up with an instructional blurb. After you close the alert, it will not show again.

There are two buttons on this screen (shown below):

Generate Passcodes: This button pulls up the Password Generator View. This view allows you to create complex passwords quickly and easily.

Stored Passcodes: This button pulls up the Stored Password View. This view allows you to view your saved passwords, as well as editing information such as the Source, Username, and/or the password itself.

Let's start with the Password Generator View. Tap the "locked" padlock button. You should now see a screen similar to the one pictured below.

Ok, this screen is easier than it looks. There are three main components to this screen: the slider, the 4 switches, and the "Generate" button.

Slider: The slider allows you to choose the length of your password. Sliding from left to right will increase the length of your password. The label to the right of the slider informs you of the current length you have chosen.

Switches: There are 4 switches. Toggling these switches allows you to change the properties of your password.  For Example: Toggling the switch labeled "Numbers" to "Off" will disable numbers from being used in your password.

"Generate" Button: This button generates your password. After generating your password you will see two new things on the screen; Your password and a little "i" (Information) button.  (pictured below)

Your Password: Once you have tapped the "Generate" Button, a password will appear above the button. You can press the button again to get a new password, as well as changing the slider and switch settings. 

Information Button: The little "i" is called an "Information Button". Pressing this button will bring up a screen similar to the one pictured below:

On this screen there are 5 buttons: Email, Copy, SMS, Save, Dismiss.

Email: This button emails the current password. This is useful for emailing to yourself, generating a password for a friend, or sending a password for a shared account to multiple people.

Copy: This button copies the current password to the clipboard. You can now paste the password into other applications such as Notes, Safari, or Messages.

SMS: This button only appears on SMS-Enabled Devices on iOS 4+. It allows you to text message the current password.

Save: This button only appears once you have created a master passcode (We will do that later), so don't freak out if you don't have it yet. This button allows you to save the password to your device in order to keep it safe and secure.

Dismiss: This button brings you back to the Password Generating View.

Tap Dismiss, and then "Done" in the top left corner. You should now be back at the main screen.

Now we will take a look at the Stored Passcode View. Press the "unlocked" padlock button. You should now see a screen similar to the picture below.

This screen allows you to set a "Master Passcode". This Passcode allows you to store passwords, usernames, etc. on your device without being easily seen by others.

At this screen, make a 4 digit password. It will ask you to confirm the password. Remember this password.

This screen has 3 main components: The text boxes, the buttons, and the picker wheel. We will go through all of these.

Text Boxes: There are three text boxes at the top. The top is the "Slot" or "Source", the middle is the "Username", and the bottom is the "Password". All three text boxes can be edited by tapping on them. When you do so, the keyboard will appear and you can enter information. Pressing "Done" on the keyboard will save your changes.
  • Slot/Source: This box is where you enter what the password is for. Example: Facebook.com, Gmail.com, etc. 
  • UserName: This is where you enter the username that goes with the password. 
  • Password: This is where you can enter the password for the account. When you save a password from the generate view, this is where it ends up. You can also enter your own password if you do not wish to generate a new one.

Now we will go through the buttons, from left to right. 

Options Button: This button looks like a cog. When you tap this button, you are presented with two options similar to the picture below. 

  • Reset Master Code: This option allows you to set a new master code. 
  • Dismiss: This brings you back to the Stored Passcode screen.

Press Dismiss.

The next button is SMS,

SMS: This button only shows up on SMS-enabled devices with iOS 4+. The button looks like a little message bubble. This button will text message the current source, username, and password.

The next button is Copy.

Copy: This button looks like two papers, similar to the copy button on a computer. It copies the current password to the clipboard. You can now paste the password into other applications such as Notes, Safari, or Messages.

The final button is email.

Email: The button on the far right is email, and looks like an envelope. The button emails the current source, username, and password. This is useful for emailing to yourself, generating a password for a friend, or sending a password for a shared account to multiple people.

Okay now we can move on to the bottom-most component, the picker wheel.

Picker Wheel: You can scroll this wheel up and down, revealing 15 save slots. The blue-tinted bar across the middle tells you which slot you are currently editing/viewing. This allows you to easily view passwords you have saved on your device.

Press "Done" in the top left corner. You should now be back at the main screen.

That's it guys.

Version 2.0.0 is on its way with a TON of new features. This tutorial will be updated upon release. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions/complaints/compliments, drop me an email at collateraldamag3@gmail.com.